Plan Your Year with Compass Classroom

What curriculum best fits my child?

We’re here to help you select the right courses for your homeschool students and plan your year with Compass Classroom curriculum. This guide is designed so you can easily see all the courses we recommend for each grade level and subject.

We also have a downloadable version, allowing you to print, make notes, and plan your year with Compass Classroom.

Click a curriculum name to get detailed information and sample lessons. Get a quick start using your new curriculum by visiting the “How to Teach” resources for all our popular courses.

Curriculum Available by Grade

*History Recommended Sequence: 1 American History → 2 Modernity → 3 Antiquity → 4 Christendom

Semester 1Semester 2
History/Social Studies
(Choose one)
American History
Geography (Live)
Literature/Language Arts
(Choose one)
Middle School Literature
Grammar of Poetry
Foreign LanguageVisual Latin 1
ScienceGeneral Science
VocabularyWord Up! Vols. 1-3
BibleModern Parables
Semester 1Semester 2
History/Social Studies
(Choose one)
American History
Geography (Live)
Literature/Language Arts
(Choose one)
American Literature
American Literature (Live)
Middle School Literature
Grammar of Poetry
Foreign LanguageVisual Latin
(Choose one)
General Science
Physical Science
VocabularyWord Up! Vols. 1-3
Art & MusicStory of Great Music
LogicIntroductory Logic
BibleModern Parables
Semester 1Semester 2
History/Social StudiesAmerican History
Literature/Language Arts
(Choose one)
American Literature
American Literature (Live)
Foreign LanguageVisual Latin 
(Choose one)
General Science
Physical Science
VocabularyWord Up! Vols. 1-3
Art & MusicStory of Great Music
BibleModern Parables
Semester 1Semester 2
History/Social Studies
(Choose one)
American History
Modernity: Modern History
Literature/Language ArtsModern Literature (Live)
Foreign LanguageVisual Latin
(Choose one)
Physical Science
Devotional Biology (Lab Science)
Art & Music
(Choose one)
Story of Great Music
Filmmaking from the First Directors
BibleUnderstanding the Old Testament

*Philosophy could be extended two semesters for a full credit.

student at desk with VL

Below you will find examples of curriculum plans for families with middle school and high school students. You’ll see that you can teach multiple ages at the same time with courses such as Visual Latin, Word Up!, and American History.

Potential Course Sequences

Middle School

History/Social StudiesGeography (Live)
Literature/Lang. ArtsMiddle School Literature
Foreign Lang.Visual Latin 1
ScienceGeneral Science
Art & MusicStory of Great Music
LogicIntroductory Logic
VocabularyWord Up! Vols. 1-3
History/Social StudiesAmerican History
Literature/Lang. ArtsAmerican Literature (Self-Paced or Live)
Foreign Lang.Visual Latin 2
SciencePhysical Science
Art & MusicFilmmaking from the First Directors
LogicIntermediate Logic

High School

History/Social StudiesAmerican History
Literature/Lang. ArtsAmerican Literature (Self-Paced or Live)
Foreign Lang.Visual Latin 1
SciencePhysical Science
Art & MusicStory of Great Music
LogicIntroductory Logic
History/Social StudiesAntiquity: Ancient History
Literature/Lang. ArtsGrammar for Writers + Creative Writing
ScienceCreation Science
WorldviewHow Should We Then Live? + Strange New World
BibleSystematic Theology (Coming Soon)
Art & MusicFilmmaking from the First Directors
History/Social StudiesChristendom: Medieval History
Literature/Lang. ArtsBritish & World Literature
BibleBiblical Archaeology

Easily find the right curriculum for your kids.

We’ve included an example of a curriculum plan for a family with an elementary, middle school, and high school student. You’ll see that you can teach multiple ages at the same time with courses such as Visual Latin, Word Up!, and American History.

Have additional questions?

Our staff of curriculum specialists and homeschool parents waiting to help you. Click the blue help button at the bottom right of this page. We’ can’d love to answer your family’s curriculum questions.

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