The Duties of Parents eBook

The Duties of Parents

This little volume is one of the best encouragements toward Biblical parenting ever written.


J.C. Ryle was an Evangelical Anglican pastor living in England during the 19th century. This little volume is one of the best encouragements toward Biblical parenting ever written. If you are not familiar with what he says, we would encourage you to download and spend a hour reading through it. You will be greatly rewarded!

As Ryle himself says in the introduction:

Reader, these things may well give rise to great searchings of heart. Suffer then a word of exhortation from a minister, about the right training of children. Believe me, the subject is one that should come home to every conscience, and make every one ask himself the question, “Am I in this matter doing what I can?”
It is a subject that concerns almost all. There is hardly a household that it does not touch. Parents, nurses, teachers, godfathers, godmothers, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, — all have an interest in it. Few can be found, I think, who might not influence some parent in the management of his family, or affect the training of some child by suggestion or advice. All of us, I suspect, can do something here, either directly or indirectly, and I wish to stir up all to bear this in remembrance.

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Train them in the way they should go
Tenderness | Affection and Patience
Much Depends on You
The Soul of your Child
A Knowledge of the Bible
A Habit of Prayer
Public Means of Grace
Speaking the Truth
Redeeming the Time
Fear of Over-Indulgence
How God Trains His Children
The Influence of Your Own Example
The Power of Sin
The Promises of Scripture
Prayer for a Blessing.



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