Highlight History with Art

Highlight History with Art

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We are always excited to hear how homeschool families supplement Compass Classroom courses. Today we’d like to introduce you to our friend, Tricia Hodges, and how she not only supplemented History courses but started a small business offering art lessons.

Meet Tricia Hodges & Nana from You ARE an Artist

Back on a very cold February afternoon, Nana was snowed in at our house (in Georgia!) She had her big box of chalk pastels and she taught us how to create a Path to the Beach. All five of our children were gathered around the kitchen table. We loved that art time so much, we asked her to bring her chalk pastels every time she stopped by.  We began sharing those art times with our Hodgepodge readers – in online art tutorial form. Then one day a reader asked us if we would put all our tutorials in one spot. A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels was born. It snowballed from there and now we offer a Hodgepodge of video art lessons from seasonal topics to sharks to American landmarks and even the far reaches of space. You ARE An Artist launched in 2012.
tricia hodges

Highlight History With Art

I just love it when things come together so beautifully for homeschooling. Don’t you? I especially love it when we can learn about history, then reinforce that learning with a different subject or tool. Maybe, like me, you have found that your children learn in various ways and have different learning styles. I know I can read something or listen to something one time. Then see or hear it again – and learn something brand new the second time as well. One of our very favorites is pairing digital curriculum because it is so simple to do with such fabulous results. Especially following any subject with art! My very favorite is to highlight history with art.

History With Art Speaks to Various Learning Styles

Let me paint a picture for you. First, let’s grab your notebook and a cup of tea. Next, let’s gather around and watch Dave Raymond’s lesson in the Antiquity history curriculum. Immediately following, or even on another homeschool day, we watch the corresponding video art lesson with Nana of You ARE an Artist. Nana says, “then let’s take our pastels and paint the Roman Coliseum. We can use all the reds, golds and orange to make a wonderful pastel painting.” While we paint, Nana chats about where the Coliseum was built, when, and what it was used for. Then a while later, a question comes up about the Coliseum. The artist student remembers the painting, and, most importantly, Dave Raymond’s Antiquity lesson. Learning about facts on this classic Roman treasure was just reinforced!

I believe it says a great deal about a homeschool curriculum when we are doing night school on a Saturday nightIn the summer. I will never forget that one afternoon a few years ago my children asked, “Are we doing American History tonight?” That would be Dave Raymond’s American History by Compass Classroom! The next day, right after lunch, we pull up Nana’s George Washington video art lesson and talk about all we’ve been learning about our first president.

Free Planning Resources

There is so much to complement Compass Classroom’s Antiquity, American History, Modernity, and Christendom. And much to match the learning already happening in your homeschool. Painting with Nana helps reinforce the understanding and comprehension of a subject you are studying. You can take your history learning to the next level and you will say, “I Drew It Then I Knew It!” with Nana’s offering of art lessons for all four eras of history!

ChalkPastel.com offers Modern History, American Landmarks, Art in Space, Inventors plus the exclusive and growing sets of Presidents, Maps, Famous Artists and Composers. See how history and art match up, below:

Antiquity – Ancients, Medieval, Knights & Crusaders, Composers, Maps

American History – American History, American Landmarks, Inventors, Presidents, Composers, Famous Artists, Maps, Hymns

Looking for an American history curriculum?

Try 4 Free Lessons of Dave Raymond’s American History​

American History

Modernity – Modern History, Art in Space, Inventors, Presidents, Composers, Famous Artists, Maps, Hymns, Nature Studies

Christendom – Medieval History, Early Church, Byzantium, Barbarians, Vikings, Knights, Crusades, Islam, Maps, Reformation

We took it a step further with a free, downloadable, Curriculum Match Up Checklist. Matching Nana’s You ARE an Artist video art lessons to Compass Classroom curriculum just got so much easier! Each homeschool curriculum match up checklist includes a listing of lessons from the four eras of history.

Studying Ancient History? Grab the Ancient History curriculum match up list and see just how many lessons line up with what you are studying! Do the same for Middle Ages, American History and Modern History.

Each homeschool curriculum match up checklist has plenty of planning space for you to add your corresponding history or science lesson or to jot down a date, note or page number.

Why Chalk Pastels?

Have you never heard of chalk pastels for art? They are truly the most forgiving art medium. We love them because they are perfect for all ages, are frugal and there is no long and intimidating list of art supplies. Just what DO you need to get started?

  • Chalk pastels — available online or from any art store for less than $10 for a starter set.
  • Paper — Construction paper or copy or computer paper you have on hand.
  • Optional: You may want to have a damp cloth or baby wipes for chalky fingers and easy clean up.

Rich learning really can be simple, fun and rewarding!

Did you know you can subscribe to  ChalkPastel.com for a low, monthly cost? There is even a free sample lesson to try on the You ARE an Artist homepage or jump right in with the Roman Coliseum.

Art Classes

You ARE an artist, Tricia, Nana & the Hodgepodge (who all love Compass Classroom) 

Homeschooling since 2000, Tricia faces a daily dose of chaos with five children. She has seen the fruits of home education with two grads so far! With their You ARE an artist art curriculum she and “Nana” are a mother/daughter team passionate about growing a love of art. She also shares helpful homeschool habits at Hodgepodge and is author of the book, Help! I’m Homeschooling! She and her husband, Steve, are also owners of The Curriculum Choice.

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Stef Layton

Stef loves history, chips & salsa, and hiking in Colorado. She has been homeschooling her 2 boys since 2008.

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Stef Layton

Stef loves history, chips & salsa, and hiking in Colorado. She has been homeschooling her 2 boys since 2008.

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