Master storyteller Dave Raymond delivers a dynamic history of the United States in this popular introduction to his four-year history series. Dave gives students:
- A deep appreciation for the Christian foundation of the United States of America
- A love of great stories, exciting situations, and the incredible men and women who shaped the country
- A moral philosophy to help measure the events of history against a Biblical standard
Dave’s American history homeschool curriculum has already transformed thousands of Middle School and High School students. Give your kids a view of history that will prepare them to understand the world.
Complete Series: American History | Modernity | Antiquity | Christendom
Try sample lessons in our online learning platform.
Listen to Dave explain how his series works:
Add on Facilitation or Grading with our Compass Membership Facilitators answer student questions, provide Zoom discussion of lesson content, give assistance with projects & portfolios, and, if grading is chosen, maintain student grades.
- 130 videos (5 lectures per lesson, ~10-15 min each, 25 hours total )
- 4 projects
- Year-long Portfolio
- 284-page Student Reader based on original sources (PDF, EPUB and MOBI)
- Teacher’s Guide with Scope & Sequence (PDF, EPUB, and MOBI)
- Dedicated EPUB & Kindle versions of the Student Reader and Teacher’s Guide using Dyslexia-friendly fonts. View a side-by-side sample.
- Weekly Exams
- Dates covered: 1500s to 1910
Ages: 12+ (Note brief artistic nudity in some historical artwork.)
Credit: One High School History/Social Studies
Try sample lessons in our online learning platform.
Click on the FAQ tab for a complete breakdown of hours spent per area to qualify for high school credit.
License: This product is licensed for use by one family. For group, co-op, or school use, each family will need to purchase a copy or purchase licenses for each student. For more information, visit our group license page.
Dave Raymond lives in rural Middle Tennessee with his wife and 6 children where he has taught the humanities for the past 20 years. He teaches the disciplines of history, literature, composition, and Latin through Quiller Tutorials.
Jennifer Daly (verified owner) –
My son did enjoy the American History curriculum. However, he is not very good at note-taking due to dyslexia. A huge part of this curriculum is being able to take good notes. He would have loved some guided notes. I did create some for him for several of the weeks but I just could not keep up. They definitely helped him stay more focused. I would have liked a slightly more robust curriculum. For example, some smaller quizzes weekly and quarterly exams would have been nice. The weekly tests contained too much information for my son to remember everything in detail. Smaller chunks of information with multiple-choice questions would have fit his personality better. Perhaps some review pages would have been helpful as well. This curriculum is also designed more for the creative person given that the portfolio and hands-on projects are a huge part of this program. I really liked the idea of them but my son did not enjoy them so we just decided to stop. I think it felt like busy work to him. Ultimately, we kept it simple. He watched the videos and we verbally discussed the exam questions at the end of each week. I did like that it was only 26 weeks of material. It allowed us some flexibility throughout our year. Overall, we both liked it but will be switching to a different program next year that suits my son’s learning style better.
Vita (verified owner) –
My kids completed this curriculum as 7th and 11th graders (now rising 10th and rising college sophomore) and it was a perfect fit! My youngest is more of a reader so English and history courses are her strong suit and she was able to complete the curriculum at a high school level with very minimal adjustment. Since this was their first exposure to significant note taking and essay style exams, I allowed open notes for the exams. We also would pause the lectures not only for note taking but to have discussions on what was being said and LOVE that this curriculum sparks that level of thought!
This was our 4th or 5th history curriculum brand but since American History, we have used Dave Raymond every year. My youngest will be finishing up his series with Christendom this fall. We are very grateful that we found this curriculum!
Megan –
I enjoyed the production quality and idea of the series, but I had a big problem with glossing over and being misleading about certain aspects of American History. One example: implying that Jamestown started out as a mission is just purposefully misreading history. Yes, the charter lists bringing Christendom to the new world as ONE of it’s objectives, but an honest look at the entirety of the charter, diaries, and WHO was sent on the voyage CLEARLY lets you know this was not the priority. I’m proud of many thing in our Christian American heritage, but a misrepresentation of facts undermines this and makes us look like we have to shade history to justify ourselves just as much as we are accusing others of doing now.
Dave Raymond –
Thank you for the feedback, Megan. American history was my first curriculum venture and in comparison to the later history years, has many nuances that I would love to add to the program. The many motives behind the Jamestown founding is a good example of a needed detail. I’ll keep it in mind should we ever revise the curriculum.
chrys m –
I wish I had learned history this way!
Kate –
The kids both really liked the lessons that we watched and found them very interesting. Mr. Raymond uses a conversational style that’s engaging and his obvious enthusiasm for the subject really makes the lectures enjoyable! The assignments are clearly explained and both they and the reading selections are thought-provoking…designed to really make the student think through the underlying factors behind the events. This is definitely not just a “names and dates” program! It really delves into how and why cultures change and how ideas and worldviews impact how we live. I really love this approach!
But what I love most of all about this program is that it goes even further to show the theme of redemption through all of history. Mr. Raymond points out that history is at it’s heart a story of the Gospel, but also of sinners. Even the “heroes” of history have flaws – because they’re sinners – but he encourages students to watch for how all of history reveals the story of redemption, even through flawed and sinful people and actions. Through it all, God is working to accomplish His purposes.
Candi D –
It is wonderful. Very interesting and informative.
Kate W –
Love Dave Raymond. Love excerpts from original documents, love balanced approach and Christian worldview
Margaret H –
Not only do my kids love American History, but so do I as their parent. I’m learning right along with them. Dave presents the info well!
Ann S (verified owner) –
I absolutely LOVE it! Favorite History course hands down. I always watch the videos with my kids and even my younger kids like to watch. I love how it doesn’t just discuss dates and events in History, but what the character, motivation and belief system was of the individuals that drove their actions. My kids are learning so much more than History. They are learning how our beliefs, philosophy and value inform our actions and how they have formed our country. I can’t wait to have my kids do another one of Dave’s courses next year!
Jami S –
Dave Raymond’s American History is a complete course based upon unaltered historical information. This is a rare find that includes a full scope & sequence, titles and authors for additional education, and a grading guide. All of this has been made student/parent friendly (even fun), something I didn’t know was possible with a history course. Thank you for making this available.
Tammy E (verified owner) –
FABULOUS! Students like that it details the ‘why’ and not just the ‘when’ of events. Has promoted lots of deep discussion. Plan to use other D.Raymond curriculum as a result of experience with Am.History
Corrina L –
Dave Raymond’s American History was our favorite part of our homeschool day.
Ashley C (verified owner) –
Dave Raymond’s American History is by far our favorite history experience so far. It’s engaging, involves interesting projects (not busy work), & biblical theology incorporated throughout. We will continue to use Dave Raymond’s series.
Joy H –
Absolutely love it! We have learned so much!
Meredith M –
Best history class ever! My kids were engaged – wish I had taken Mr Raymond for History!
Andrea T (verified owner) –
Dave Raymond’s video lessons are engaging and informative. I greatly appreciate that the ideas and philosophies behind people and events are emphasized. This very much enhances the understanding of the past and consequently the present. Readings are from source documents allowing the student to reach conclusions from what was originally written rather than the opinion of the historian writing the history.
Wendy P –
We enjoy Dave Raymond’s succinct lectures with remarkable detail covered in a short lecture. The student receives the facts but is allowed to develop their own thoughts.
Brandy –
As we’ve plowed through dozens of history curriculum options in search of an optimal scope and sequence for elementary through high school, I never even imagined that we would find something like this. But then we came across….
:: a story-driven history curriculum that expounds upon the Christian roots of our nation, following an overarching theme of redemption throughout its history
:: a course that provides a springboard for deep discussions with an upfront explanation of the Socratic method of asking questions (for both students and parents)
:: a class that teaches and emphasizes how to take notes during lectures and how to build a portfolio that, at completion, may be used as a history textbook for younger children to read
We have loved this curriculum so much! If you’d like to read more about our experience and/or take a peek into the history portfolio and speech our son completed as a result of Dave Raymond’s American History, visit
Lisa –
It is a Christian curriculum and one that takes the time to teach the importance of the founding of this nation and not just the names and dates but also the character behind the people who founded and shaped it.
Trisha –
These lessons spend more time focusing on historic people, their beliefs and motivations, rather than mere events. Raymond continues to emphasize the idea of “moral philosophy” throughout the series: how the core beliefs of our nation’s leaders and founders shaped the direction of history.
Debra –
I love that my kids are able to be very independent in working with this. I really like the projects involved, especially the whole create-your-own-textbook that the journal turns into. The fact that my word-loving son can create a text-heavy journal, and my word-phobic son can create a image-heavy journal — and both are following the instructions — means a lot to me. I love this whole idea. Downloadable video, that you can view on a variety of devices (or you can even purchase DVDs) is convenient and gives me fewer things to lose. I love that.
Kara –
The kids both really liked the lessons that we watched and found them very interesting. Mr. Raymond uses a conversational style that’s engaging and his obvious enthusiasm for the subject really makes the lectures enjoyable! The assignments are clearly explained and both they and the reading selections are thought-provoking…designed to really make the student think through the underlying factors behind the events. This is definitely not just a “names and dates” program! It really delves into how and why cultures change, and how ideas and worldviews impact how we live. I really love this approach! But what I love most of all about this program is that it goes even further to show the theme of redemption through all of history. Mr. Raymond points out that history is at its heart a story of the Gospel, but also of sinners. Even the “heroes” of history have flaws – because they’re sinners – but he encourages students to watch for how all of history reveals the story of redemption, even through flawed and sinful people and actions. Through it all, God is working to accomplish His purposes.
Kela –
Dave Raymond gives students (and educators) a new way of appreciating American History by pointing out how we can see God’s hand through all of history. God is the Creator of all things and without Him nothing would be created. I like how Dave goes back to the beginning of time in his first lesson and explains how we need to understand the study of Humanities.
Jessica –
One thing is evident: the teacher clearly explains how to view the events of history through the lens of Scripture and a Christian worldview.
Laura –
My kids learn well from teachers who are passionate about their subjects. Dave Raymond is passionate about American History. Better yet, Dave Raymond is a good storyteller. Isn’t that what history is? Story telling? Names and dates bah! I want to know about the people, not just the battles. How did they think? Why did they do things? History comes alive in this video curriculum.
Heather –
Because I’m in the room with Munchkin while she’s watching the videos, I find myself learning things about history that I didn’t know. She gets really excited about the information being presented and enjoys sharing her newly learned information with others. To me, this is a sign that the curriculum is interesting and engaging. The curriculum focuses on some aspects of history that aren’t, in my experience, covered by other curriculums as well as the traditional material.
Tracy –
We just started Dave Raymond’s American History and love it! He not only presents material in an interesting and visually engaging manner, but also tells you how and why to learn. I appreciate the strong Biblical worldview.
Resshena –
We are currently using Dave Raymond’s American History. We love this history program. Mr. Raymond is an engaging instructor. His stories are intriguing and so different than the normal. He keeps his lessons short and to the point and brings original source information to his presentations and also to the extra reading. He requires the kids to take notes and make a continuing portfolio, and stresses the point that they need to do their best job. My daughter’s portfolio is beautiful and she will always have a great record of her 8th/9th grade history class. We have learned so many things that other curriculums have not taught us. I LOVE this curriculum.
spencer_hasch –
love, love, love
these dvds!! I HIGHLY recommend them.
Kellie –
This curriculum was an absolute Godsend to our family. We have never experienced a curriculum that our children loved, enjoyed and learned as much from as this one. Each morning my children were literally fighting over who got to start their History videos for the day.
The lessons are riveting to both child and adult alike. I have home-schooled our 6 children for the past 23 years, and we found this curriculum to be the most fascinating, educational and user friendly of all of them.
I just can’t say enough about it. We have recommended it to everyone we know. I only wish we had found it 23 years ago!
Pam D –
We have really enjoyed the course. Part 1 consists of 13 weekly lessons which includes a daily video presentation generally around 12 minutes long, quality reading assignments and a weekly exam. Also the students are to prepare a page in their portfolio after each week and there is also a project of making a colonial map. Part 1 covers Meso-America to The Constitution. Part 2 also consists of 13 weekly lessons and covers George Washington to Theodore Roosevelt. It also includes the daily video, reading assignments and weekly exam. Our favorite part of this course has been the daily video lessons. Dave makes the lessons extremely interesting and very understandable. Since he tells it as a story and has covered the material chronologically, for the first time in my life, I can put all the pieces of American History together and they make sense. The readings are very in-depth. They are organized by lesson in one downloadable printable reader. Many are taken from original documents We have not used them as extensively as some that love history may choose to do. I appreciate that the course is taught from a strong Christian worldview. Even though it is a high school course, my 2 younger daughters have watched it with us, and they have also learned so much.
Cathy Duffy –
In my opinion, this course offers an excellent balance of interesting DVD lectures, serious reading, and challenging writing coupled with worthwhile portfolio and project work, all presented from within a Christian worldview.
Meg –
I have to say, I absolutely LOVE this American History curriculum! I have been telling everyone I know about it. Our family has been searching for something that doesn’t just teach the WHAT, but the WHY and the HOW. History doesn’t need to just be a bunch of useless facts (ones we hardly remember as we grow older and are inundated with other useless facts); instead should be exploring the reasons WHY men did what they did…and HOW we can learn from their mistakes. I love that this is both worldview and history in one curriculum. Thank you so much for following the Lord’s leading in creating this curriculum! Now, I want to know when World History will be released??
Sandra (verified owner) –
I love this curriculum, and I love the way Mr. Raymond presents it. It is from a Christian Worldview, and is the most interesting history course I’ve ever sat under. I watch the lessons with my son, and take notes along with him–I love it!
The lessons are laid out and are very user friendly. The only thing I wish is that there were more resources materials that the teacher could draw from if he/she wanted. (Maybe films or historical novels that could be correlated with the course.)
I love that this history course is taught from a biblical worldview, and that it is reasonably priced and available in both streaming and dvd format!
Heather –
Because I’m in the room with Munchkin while she’s watching the videos, I find myself learning things about history that I didn’t know. She gets really excited about the information being presented and enjoys sharing her newly learned information with others. To me, this is a sign that the curriculum is interesting and engaging. The curriculum focuses on some aspects of history that aren’t, in my experience, covered by other curriculums as well as the traditional material.
Laura –
My kids learn well from teachers who are passionate about their subjects. Dave Raymond is passionate about American History. Better yet, Dave Raymond is a good storyteller. Isn’t that what history is? Story telling? Names and dates bah! I want to know about the people, not just the battles. How did they think? Why did they do things? History comes alive in this video curriculum.
Jessica –
One thing is evident: the teacher clearly explains how to view the events of history through the lens of Scripture and a Christian worldview.
Kela –
Dave Raymond gives students (and educators) a new way of appreciating American History by pointing out how we can see God’s hand through all of history. God is the Creator of all things and without Him nothing would be created. I like how Dave goes back to the beginning of time in his first lesson and explain how we need to understand the study of Humanities.
Kara –
The kids both really liked the lessons that we watched and found them very interesting. Mr. Raymond uses a conversational style that’s engaging and his obvious enthusiasm for the subject really makes the lectures enjoyable! The assignments are clearly explained and both they and the reading selections are thought-provoking…designed to really make the student think through the underlying factors behind the events. This is definitely not just a “names and dates” program! It really delves into how and why cultures change and how ideas and worldviews impact how we live. I really love this approach!
But what I love most of all about this program is that it goes even further to show the theme of redemption through all of history. Mr. Raymond points out that history is at it’s heart a story of the Gospel, but also of sinners. Even the “heroes” of history have flaws – because they’re sinners – but he encourages students to watch for how all of history reveals the story of redemption, even through flawed and sinful people and actions. Through it all, God is working to accomplish His purposes.
Debra –
I love that my kids are able to be very independent in working with this. I really like the projects involved, especially the whole create-your-own-textbook that the journal turns into. The fact that my word-loving son can create a text-heavy journal, and my word-phobic son can create a image-heavy journal — and both are following the instructions — means a lot to me.
I love this whole idea. Downloadable video, that you can view on a variety of devices (or you can even purchase DVDs) is convenient and gives me fewer things to lose. I love that.
Trisha –
These lessons spend more time focusing on historic people, their beliefs and motivations, rather than mere events. Raymond continues to emphasize the idea of “moral philosophy” throughout the series: how the core beliefs of our nation’s leaders and founders shaped the direction of history.
Lisa –
It is a Christian curriculum and one that takes the time to teach the importance of the founding of this nation and not just the names and dates but also the character behind the people who founded and shaped it.
Meg –
I have to say, I absolutely LOVE this American History curriculum! I have been telling everyone I know about it. Our family has been searching for something that doesn’t just teach the WHAT, but the WHY and the HOW. History doesn’t need to just be a bunch of useless facts (ones we hardly remember as we grow older and are inundated with other useless facts); instead should be exploring the reasons WHY men did what they did…and HOW we can learn from their mistakes. I love that this is both worldview and history in one curriculum. Thank you so much for following the Lord’s leading in creating this curriculum! Now, I want to know when World History will be released?? 😉
Cathy Duffy –
In my opinion, this course offers an excellent balance of interesting DVD lectures, serious reading, and challenging writing coupled with worthwhile portfolio and project work, all presented from within a Christian worldview.
Pam Dean –
We have really enjoyed the course. Part 1 consists of 13 weekly lessons which includes a daily video presentation generally around 12 minutes long, quality reading assignments and a weekly exam. Also the students are to prepare a page in their portfolio after each week and there is also a project of making a colonial map. Part 1 covers Meso-America to The Constitution. Part 2 also consists of 13 weekly lessons and covers George Washington to Theodore Roosevelt. It also includes the daily video, reading assignments and weekly exam.
Our favorite part of this course has been the daily video lessons. Dave makes the lessons extremely interesting and very understandable. Since he tells it as a story and has covered the material chronologically, for the first time in my life, I can put all the pieces of American History together and they make sense. The readings are very in-depth. They are organized by lesson in one downloadable printable reader. Many are taken from original documents We have not used them as extensively as some that love history may choose to do. I appreciate that the course is taught from a strong Christian worldview. Even though it is a high school course, my 2 younger daughters have watched it with us, and they have also learned so much.