Dave Raymond's History Series

Best High School History Curriculum

Best High School History Curriculum

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Give your kids the love of history through this incredible story-driven history curriculum.

Loved by thousands of middle and high school students, our comprehensive 4-year history curriculum offers an engaging journey through world events, each year counting as one history or social studies credit. Master storyteller Dave Raymond brings history to life, applying a Christian worldview to explore events from creation to the present. Discover how ideas shape history, understand the significance of moral philosophy, and see the profound impact of faith and common people on our world today.

Looking for engaging high school history curriculum that shares the “why” of history not just the “when”? Compass Classroom offers 4 high school credit history courses from master storyteller Dave Raymond.

Student reading American History

Who is Dave Raymond?

Dave Raymond lives in rural Middle Tennessee with his wife and 6 children where he has taught the humanities for more than 12 years. He has taught the disciplines of history, literature, composition, civics, economics, and Latin through Quiller Tutorials, Franklin Classical School, and Foundations Christian Academy.

Dave Raymond’s History Series

Dave Raymond History Bundle

Dave Raymond’s American History

My students like that Dave Raymond details the ‘why’ and not just the ‘when’ of historical events. ~ Judy

girl reading history textbook

Give your middle and high school students the love of history through this incredible story-driven American history homeschool curriculum, all from a Christian worldview.

Dave Raymond delivers a dynamic history of the United States. He applies a Christian worldview to the characters, events, theology, literature, art, and religious beliefs of the nation. His American History homeschool curriculum has transformed thousands of Middle School and High School students. 

American History is a one-year homeschool curriculum that consists of:

  • 130 videos (5 lectures per lesson, ~15 min ea)
  • 4 projects
  • Year-long Portfolio
  • Student Reader based on original sources
  • Teacher’s Guide with Scope & Sequence
  • Weekly Exams

Credit: One High School History/Social Studies. This course is geared for 8th grade middle school or  high school students.

“Amazing video lectures! Dave Raymond is very engaging and makes learning history extremely interesting.” ~ Sara​

Dave Raymond’s Modernity

Overall we enjoyed Modernity and I am seeing improvement in my teen’s discussion and critical thinking skills. ~ Alex

boy watching history class

In Modernity, the follow-up course to American History, Dave Raymond explores world history from 1500 to the present.

In this exciting addition to his history series, Dave Raymond turns his attention to the period of Modernity and the maturity of Western civilization. Under Dave’s instruction, students will learn how to apply and refine a Christian worldview to major developments in philosophy, science, and government; personalities such as Newton, Bach, Napoleon, and Austen; and movements including the Enlightenment, Darwinism, Nationalism, and Victorianism.

  • 27 lessons (5 videos per lesson, 47 total hours)
  • 4 projects
  • Student Reader, 400p (PDF, EPUB and MOBI)
  • Teacher’s Guide with Scope & Sequence (PDF, ePub and mobi)
  • Weekly Exams
  • Year-long Portfolio

Modernity is a one-year class that consists of:

Credit: One High School History/Social Studies

Dave Raymond’s Antiquity

“Amazing video lectures! Dave Raymond is very engaging and makes learning history extremely interesting.” ~ Sara​

Dave Raymond begins with Genesis, then traces world history all the way to the life of Christ. This incredible series synthesizes the events recorded in the Bible with ancient history, showing clearly how God’s providence directed the events in the ancient world.

Antiquity is a one-year homeschool curriculum that consists of:

  • 130 videos (5 lectures per lesson, ~15 min ea)
  • 4 projects
  • Year-long Portfolio
  • Student Reader based on original sources
  • Teacher’s Guide with Scope & Sequence
  • Weekly Exams

Credit: One High School History/Social Studies

Although most people think Ancient history is rather innocent, it is actually better understood by more mature minds.  We therefore recommend students start with American, go to Modernity, then finish with Antiquity.  

What is the “Year Long Portfolio” ?

If we receive one question about our history courses it’s usually about the year long portfolio. Since it’s a student’s creation most parents are uncertain how it “should” look. In short, the portfolio is a unique scrapbook. The portfolio offers students a chance to retell history lessons using their own gifts and talents. If a student is an artist, writer, poet, composer, crafter, graphic designer, etc. they can create their own portfolio in such a way to represent their unique God-given skills while staying engaged during the course.

portfolio 2

Thankfully our friends at Half An Acre Wood have shared an excellent post, The Making of a History Portfolio and explained how they created their history portfolio. 

Try Free Lessons!

If you are curious to see Dave Raymond’s teaching style or the flow of the class be sure to try Free Lessons!

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Stef Layton

Stef loves history, chips & salsa, and hiking in Colorado. She has been homeschooling her 2 boys since 2008.

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Stef Layton

Stef loves history, chips & salsa, and hiking in Colorado. She has been homeschooling her 2 boys since 2008.

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