5 Ways to Honor Fallen Soldiers This Memorial Day

5 Ways to Honor Fallen Soldiers This Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a national holiday that is rarely appreciated to the degree it should be. At this point in our country’s politics, our military and those who serve in it are often looked down on or ignored. If you and your family want to celebrate and honor the men and women who died for us, here are 5 things you can do this Memorial Day weekend.

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1. Visit a military cemetery

One of the best ways to celebrate this national holiday is by visiting the fallen soldiers’ grave sites. These men and women sacrificed their lives to protect our country. They deserve to be remembered; and what better way to do that than by visiting their graves and laying a few flowers on them.

“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather, we should thank God that such men lived.”

– Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

2. Donate flowers

If you’re unable to go to a nearby military cemetery, another great idea is to donate flowers for the graves. The Memorial Day Flowers Foundation provides volunteers who place a single flower on each soldier’s grave in remembrance. It is a beautiful and touching act of commemoration. Click here to access the website.

3. National Memorial Day Concert

Every year there are thousands and thousands of concerts around the country. But every year on the Sunday before Memorial Day there is one specific concert dedicated to the memory of fallen soldiers. One of the more unique ways to commemorate the holiday, you can watch the concert by clicking this link.

“…And if words cannot repay the debt we owe these men, surely with our actions we must strive to keep faith with them and with the vision that led them to battle and to final sacrifice.”

– Ronald Reagan

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4. Virtual Tour of the White House

While this isn’t a very exciting act of remembrance, it is an interesting idea for Memorial Day weekend if you’re looking for things to do with your kids. The White House is closed right now for tours due to Covid regulations but if you visit this link it will take you to one of the most incredible virtual tours of our commander-in-chief’s home.

5. Listen to Veterans’ stories

Another impactful way to celebrate Memorial Day is to hear soldiers’ stories. Story Corps has a fantastic section of military stories that you and your family can listen to over the weekend. Understanding what soldiers have gone through to protect us can be incredibly hard but amazingly rewarding. Click here to find the link.

“No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation.”

– Douglas MacArthur

If you and your family are looking for some quiet, at-home activities, check out our World War 1, World War 2, and Civil War film lists!


Mary-Pierson Purifoy has completed a history degree and was homeschooled until college. An avid reader and writer, she hopes to teach students to love books, writing, and history as well as a solid understanding of these subjects. Film is another passion as is exploring history through film and literature.

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Mary-Pierson Purifoy has completed a history degree and was homeschooled until college. An avid reader and writer, she hopes to teach students to love books, writing, and history as well as a solid understanding of these subjects. Film is another passion as is exploring history through film and literature.

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