The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears | American History Teaching Resources

The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears | American History Teaching Resources

Dave Raymond covers the Cherokee Trail of Tears in Lesson 17 of his American History video curriculum.

We’ve collected primary source documents, timelines, pictures, virtual tours, and documentaries for your homeschool students to study this fascinating and heartbreaking period.

What led to the Trail of Tears? Watch Dave answer this question in Lecture 17.5 from this week’s lesson.

Why did the Cherokee take a Trail of Tears?

Primary Sources

The Trail of Tears —Read from a generous selection of primary source documents related to the Cherokee nation, John Ross, and official correspondence.

Interactive Media

Explore the Cherokee National History Museum —Take an amazing 3D tour

The Trail of Tears —Various routes overlaid on current state lines and highways (PDF)

Cherokee Nation Study —Multimedia resources and questions for further study

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Trail of Tears —From a longer PBS documentary which summarizes and re-enacts scenes from this sorrowful event. [PBS, 5:24]

The Cherokee Alphabet —Brief documentary clip which explains the momentous achievement of Sequoyah in creating an alphabet for the language of his people. [PBS, 1:20]

Hayley Schoeppler

A lover of history, books, coffee, and most of all the gospel, Hayley comes from the Midwest. Homeschooled all the way, she loves connecting homeschool educators with excellent resources.

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Hayley Schoeppler

A lover of history, books, coffee, and most of all the gospel, Hayley comes from the Midwest. Homeschooled all the way, she loves connecting homeschool educators with excellent resources.

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