What’s the True History of the Earth according to Genesis?

What’s the True History of the Earth according to Genesis?

Two of the central tenets of the modern world concern the history of the earth. The first is that the earth is very old, and the second is that all living things are related through evolution.

Students hear about these everywhere. They are central to the Marvel Universe, to National Geographic, to the Planet Earth series, to DK science books, and the list could go on and on.

That’s one of the reasons our sister company, Compass Cinema, created Is Genesis History?, an entire documentary series that presents the opposite view. It starts with the perspective that Genesis is an accurate book of history, then explores an enormous amount of scientific data that supports that history.

In other words, there are a lot of good, factual reasons to accept that the history recorded in Genesis is the true history of the earth.

The film was ultimately intended for students. If you’ve not had a chance to see it yet, you and your family can watch it here. But this is just the first step: there are another 48 additional videos that provide even more evidence, and another 70 technical lectures that take things even deeper.

Watch the full film here.

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