Avoid Curriculum Remorse

Tips on Avoiding Curriculum Remorse

Tips on Avoiding Curriculum Remorse

Making a bad curriculum decision has always been one of my great fears as a homeschool mom. I spend hours pouring over descriptions, sample lessons, and user-reviews…and that’s all before I make it to our local homeschool convention to get my hands on the actual book or resource of interest. Avoiding curriculum remorse is always one of my biggest concerns when starting a new school year.

Homeschooling is an awesome responsibility, and it seems like choosing the right curriculum could make or break your school year, but there are a few things to remember as you process current or future curriculum decisions:

  1. Remember that everyone uses the curriculum differently. Most curriculum suppliers give you the maximum amount of lessons and activities you could possibly complete in a school year. Don’t be afraid to adjust lesson length and omit certain activities if it’s too much or add fun field trips and enrichment projects if you’d like to linger on a topic longer. Taking control over the flow of your lessons can breath new life into your planning and teaching experience.
  2. Find support communities of like-minded homeschoolers who use your curriculum. Online or local support groups can help you connect with others to talk about innovative ways to use your curriculum. These are also great places to share your excitement and ideas with others.
  3. Try online and digital curriculums that can offer access to quality teaching materials with little to no prep on your part. Video curriculums bring highly qualified teachers into your home so you can relax and learn alongside your children. This gives you more time for planning the fun stuff.
  4. If all else fails, take advantage of product guarantees. A good curriculum company should stand by their product, ensuring that every customer is a happy customer. If you’re not completely satisfied with your curriculum, contact the company and speak with one of their customer service representatives.

Curriculum searching doesn’t have to be scary. With a little help from others and a healthy dose of support for yourself, you can find many great resources to encourage you in your search for the right curriculum.

Jessie Wiegand

Jessie is a mom of five who has been homeschooling since 2000. She loves serving the homeschool community and has been active as a support group leader and co-op teacher in southeast Michigan for over 15 years.

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Jessie Wiegand

Jessie is a mom of five who has been homeschooling since 2000. She loves serving the homeschool community and has been active as a support group leader and co-op teacher in southeast Michigan for over 15 years.

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