For many families, homeschooling is more than just a choice about where and how children will be educated. It’s a commitment to a way of life—a path that aligns with deeply held values, especially for those of us who view our role as parents through the lens of faith. In this discussion, homeschooling moms June, Maggie, and Christina reflect on how homeschooling is an expression of faithfulness. Their insights reveal that while homeschooling requires sacrifices, it also offers a profound opportunity for spiritual growth, both for parents and children.
This is just part of a longer conversation between these homeschooling moms. You can read all the interview articles on our blog, or view the video interviews in our How I Homeschool course, available for free on My Compass Classroom.
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Charlotte Mason, Great Books, and the Arts Homeschool Coaching$85.00
Hybrid Styles and Joyful Homeschooling Coaching$85.00
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Faithfulness as the Foundation of Homeschooling
Following a Calling
Maggie expresses a sentiment shared by many Christian homeschooling parents: “Homeschooling is being faithful to what God commanded us to do with our children.” This doesn’t mean that every family must homeschool to be faithful, but for those who feel called to it, homeschooling becomes an expression of obedience. It’s about walking with our children daily, guiding them, and dedicating our time and energy to shaping them into individuals who are ready to engage meaningfully with the world.
June agrees, saying that homeschooling goes beyond just academics. It’s about discipleship, about preparing children not just to survive in culture but to engage with it. She references voices like Rachel Jankovic and Sally Clarkson, who emphasize that raising godly children is an urgent and necessary task in today’s world. “Our culture is hungry for that type of adult,” June says. As parents, we have the privilege and responsibility to nurture our children in ways that prepare them to bring light into a world that often feels increasingly dark.

Homeschooling as a Path to Sanctification
Christina and Maggie both highlight how homeschooling isn’t just transformative for children; it’s also deeply sanctifying for parents. “It’s sanctifying for the parent and child,” Christina says, acknowledging that the daily challenges of homeschooling reveal areas in our own hearts where we need growth. Maggie elaborates, explaining that homeschooling can bring out our struggles with patience and self-discipline, but these struggles are opportunities for God to work in us. “The sanctification is serious,” she says, noting that while it might be easier to avoid these challenges, they ultimately strengthen our faith.
Embracing the Sacrifice
Laying Down Our Time and Resources
Homeschooling requires a willingness to lay down our own time and interests for the sake of our children. “You’re going to be with your children all day,” Christina says candidly. While this doesn’t mean that homeschool parents can’t take breaks or have time for themselves, it does mean that homeschooling becomes the primary job—a commitment that involves planning, teaching, and often learning alongside our children. Maggie emphasizes that this sacrifice isn’t about self-denial for its own sake but rather about joyfully choosing to dedicate our time and energy to something meaningful.
June puts it beautifully, explaining that homeschooling is about living a sacrificial life. “We’re not looking for what we get from this,” she says. Instead, it’s a way to serve our families in a way that’s countercultural. In a society that often values quick results and personal convenience, homeschooling asks us to invest in long-term outcomes—growth that isn’t immediately visible but is deeply valuable. Homeschooling, in many ways, is a testament to living out faith in practical, daily acts of love and commitment.
Creating a Home That’s Messy but Full of Life

For many homeschool families, the ideal of a perfectly ordered home doesn’t match the reality of living and learning together all day. Christina points out that a homeschooling home is often messy, and that’s okay. “You have to be okay with that,” she says. Maintaining an orderly environment is important, but homeschooling families learn to accept a level of everyday messiness as a part of life.
Maggie shares that homeschooling requires letting go of some of our expectations. “When you have people living in your house pretty much 24 hours a day and they’re busy, it’s not going to be as picked up as it was before, and that’s okay.” This perspective shift is part of the homeschooling journey, teaching us to focus more on the relationships and learning happening within our homes than on outward appearances.
Facing Fears and Trusting in God’s Provision
“I Could Never Do That”: Facing Our Doubts

A phrase many homeschooling parents hear is, “I could never do that.” Maggie reflects on this, saying she’d love to ask people what drives that statement. Often, she believes, it comes down to holding on to certain fears or limitations we impose on ourselves. “What is it that you’re holding dear?” she asks, encouraging us to consider what fears we might need to let go of. Homeschooling requires us to trust that God will equip us for the task He has called us to, even when we feel inadequate.
Christina adds that these feelings of inadequacy are normal. She remembers her own doubts when she first started homeschooling. “I didn’t feel ready or equipped,” she admits. But as she grew into the role, she found that her love for her children and her willingness to learn alongside them were enough. Homeschooling doesn’t require a teaching degree or expertise in every subject—it simply requires a heart open to learning and a willingness to walk the path with your child.
Trusting God to Fill the Gaps
One of the beautiful things about homeschooling is that it teaches us to rely on God’s provision. As June puts it, “Am I willing to trust that all of my lack, He will fill?” This doesn’t mean that homeschooling will be easy or that we won’t face challenges, but it does mean that we don’t walk this path alone. God provides support, often in unexpected ways, and sometimes through family, friends, or even community resources.
Maggie shares that even when she doesn’t feel like she’s enough, she trusts that God will equip her for the task. Whether it’s finding the right curriculum, encountering a supportive community, or simply having the patience to get through a challenging day, she believes that homeschooling is a journey of faith—trusting that each step will bring what is needed.
Nurturing Children for Cultural Engagement
Preparing Our Children to Engage with the World

For June, homeschooling is about more than academics; it’s about preparing children to engage thoughtfully and courageously with the world. “Our culture is hungry for that type of adult,” she says, emphasizing the need to raise children who are ready to step into the world with a strong foundation of faith and character. This involves equipping them to think critically, understand their beliefs, and be willing to engage rather than retreat.
Maggie agrees, adding that homeschooling allows for the freedom to instill values and beliefs that will guide children as they grow. It’s not about sheltering them but about preparing them. She believes that, through homeschooling, we have the chance to help our children develop a faith that is both personal and robust—a faith they can carry confidently into the world.
Learning Alongside Our Children
One of the unexpected blessings of homeschooling is the chance to learn and grow alongside our children. Christina describes the joy of discovering new things together, whether it’s a piece of history, literature, or science. “It’s so fun to learn alongside your child,” she says, highlighting the shared moments of discovery that make homeschooling special. This journey is as much about the parent’s growth as it is about the child’s education.
June echoes this sentiment, explaining that homeschooling allows us to approach learning not as a checklist of facts but as an exploration of ideas. It’s about “spreading a feast,” inviting children to engage with rich ideas and allowing them to grow in their own understanding. This approach brings joy to both parent and child, transforming education into a shared adventure.
Homeschooling as a Faithful Journey
Homeschooling is about more than just teaching subjects at home; it’s an act of faithfulness. For those of us who view it as a calling, homeschooling is about following what we believe to be God’s direction for our family. It’s about creating a home where learning, faith, and life are intertwined. It’s about trusting that, even in our weaknesses and moments of doubt, God will provide what we need.
As Maggie, June, and Christina remind us, homeschooling requires sacrifices—of time, personal space, and sometimes convenience. But in return, it offers the chance to shape our children’s hearts and minds in ways that align with our deepest values. It’s an investment not just in their academic education, but in their spiritual formation, preparing them to be people who are ready to live out their faith in the world.
Ultimately, homeschooling is about being faithful in the everyday moments, embracing the sanctifying work it brings into our lives, and trusting that each step of this journey has purpose. For those of us called to it, homeschooling is a path that brings us closer to our children, strengthens our faith, and teaches us that true education is about nurturing the whole person—mind, heart, and spirit.
Enjoy the entire conversation between these homeschooling moms in our How I Homeschool course, available for free on My Compass Classroom.
Need some help and encouragement to take these steps in your own homeschool? Christina, one of the moms from the interview above, would love to come alongside you for help and encouragement. Book a one-on-one appointment with her or one of our other veteran moms—no long-term commitment is needed. Learn more about our coaching services.