Understanding the Old Testament

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Understanding the Old Testament

(3 customer reviews)


An in-depth look at many aspects of the Old Testament, including interpreting the text, the relationship between archeology and the Bible, issues regarding authorship and inspiration, Israel and other ancient cultures, covenant and promise, and how the Old Testament leads to the coming of Jesus Christ.

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This course is designed to provide students with a complete background in the Old Testament to understand how to interpret the New Testament. The class offers:

  • Historical insight to all the major books of the OT and Biblical characters.
  • An introduction to Biblical theology of the Old Testament.
  • Connections between the Old and New Testaments.
  • Practice using a Study Bible and associated commentary.
  • A deeper understanding of redemptive history and God’s relationship to man.
  • A plan to read the entire Old Testament in two semesters.

The primary goal of this class is to teach students better to appreciate God’s revelation to man in the Old Testament, including what His Word means to us today.

The class includes:

  • 28 videos (~1 hour each)
  • Weekly Assignments
  • Old Testament Reading Plan
  • Links to Online Bible Resources
  • Requires: Study Bible (recommended versions listed in the course)

Try sample lessons in our online learning platform.

This course is part of our Lecture Series that was filmed in front of a live classroom. As a result, it includes engagement with students and sometimes references the local situation.

Theological Note: The teacher approaches the text from a literal, historical, and creedal perspective. He affirms plenary inspiration, inerrancy, infallibility, and scriptural clarity. In light of that, he seeks to present the Old Testament in a way that would be pleasing to all who take the Bible to be the Holy Word of God.

Thomas Purifoy is a producer, writer, and director with Compass Cinema & Compass Classroom. He has been the director of a classical school in France where he taught 20th Century History, English Literature, Film History, Old Testament, and Philosophy. Thomas has also served as an officer in the U.S. Navy and is a graduate of Vanderbilt University. He is married and has three daughters.

License: This product is licensed for use by one family. For group, co-op, or school use, each family will need to purchase a copy or purchase licenses for each student. For more information, visit our group license page.

Additional information






1 HS Credit

Credit Amount



Lesson Length

~1 hr


Thomas Purifoy




Sample Lesson

Experience sample lessons inside our learning platform:

  • Engaging video lectures
  • Reading assignments
  • Note-taking assignments
  • Interactive resources

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In the meantime, here is just one of the three videos available at the link above.


  1. How the Old Testament Points to Jesus: A Biblical Foundation


  1. Is Genesis History? Canon, Chronology, and Controversy
  2. Creation, Covenant, and the Purpose of Man in the Old Testament
  3. The Fall, the Curse, and the Promise of Redemption
  4. Cain and Abel: The First Murder and the Nature of Sin
  5. The Line of Cain vs. The Line of Seth: Two Paths in Biblical History


  1. The Covenant of Grace: God’s Promise to Noah and All Creation
  2. Faith and Righteousness: Abraham as the Model of Justification
  3. Faith and Obedience: How Abraham’s Life Displays the Christian Journey
  4. Theology in History: The Patriarchs and God’s Plan


  1. Moses and Jesus: The Deliverers of God’s People
  2. The Ten Commandments: God’s Law Given on Mount Sinai
  3. How the Law Points to Christ
  4. The Tabernacle: God’s Dwelling Among His People
  5. The History of Redemption: Tracing God’s Plan from Genesis to Christ
  6. Abraham’s Faith, the Law, and the Gospel in the Old Testament
  7. How Galatians Unlocks the Old Testament


  1. Faith, Forgetfulness, and Redemption: The Nicene Creed, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges & Ruth
  2. Messianic Psalms: Prophecy, Fulfillment, and Christ’s Kingship
  3. Scripture Interprets Scripture: How the Psalms and Prophets Reveal Jesus
  4. From Solomon to Exile: How Israel’s History Shapes the Prophets’ Message


  1. The Voice in the Wilderness: Isaiah’s Prophecies and Their Fulfillment in Christ
  2. Isaiah and the New Testament: Finding Christ in the Old Testament
  3. Isaiah and the Messiah: Prophecies of Christ’s Suffering and Kingship
  4. Isaiah and the Nations: Prophecy, Geopolitics, and the Coming Kingdom
  5. Jeremiah and the New Covenant: From Judgment to Redemption
  6. Ezekiel’s Visions: Judgment, Restoration, and the Glory of God
  7. Daniel and the Kingdom of God: Prophecy, Sovereignty, and Fulfillment

3 reviews for Understanding the Old Testament

  1. Ella S (verified owner)

    I have really enjoyed this class it has helped me better understand the old testament and answer some of my questions that I had about the old testament. And the zooms really helped to. And I really liked how Mr. Thomas was not to easy on us and really challenged is to really dive in and learn and he did not hold anything back but at that same time he was there every step of the way to help and really explain it. I really liked this class and highly recommend this class.

  2. Faith R (verified owner)

    This class is great! I really liked going through it, Mr. Purifoy explains it very well, and even though he sometimes pushes us a bit out of our comfort zone it is because he wants us to learn and understand the seriousness of what we are holding in our hands, and to get familiar with the Old Testament and how it relates and helps us understand the New Testament. Mr. Purifoy also teaches us how we can learn on our own with books and commentaries, and how to get our answers from the Bible in order to get biblical perspective of life. I think it is a very good resource and extremely helpful.

  3. Francis L (verified owner)

    Great material and lesson plan. There was a lot of information, all good information, but sometimes it was hard to understand, almost like info-dumping. But other than that it was a great course and was wonderful to be able to say “I’ve read the whole Old Testement” by the end of the course.

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