Modern Parables Study Book


The Study Book contains an introduction and 12 in-depth chapters for use with the Modern Parables series. Please note one Study Book comes with the Modern Parables set.

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The Study Book contains an introduction and 12 in-depth chapters on the parables. It includes:

  • Six parables covered in two chapters each: one on “Understanding the Parable” and one on “Living the Parable.”
  • Background and context, section-by-section exegesis, and the the relationship of the parable to the Kingdom of God.
  • Transcripts of the pastors’ talks in the corresponding Application Video as well as specific Biblical texts from other parts of the Bible that relate to the parable. The first “Living” chapter also includes a discussion of the four questions concerning Biblical application.

Almost all of the in-depth biblical study materials for Modern Parables is included in the Study Book. The reasoning behind this is that once students have had their interests piqued by the parable films and application videos, they will have a stronger interest in studying the parable. The lessons in the Study Book are intended to be read after each of the classes.

Additional information

Weight 0.625 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .5 in

Paperback, 208p.


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