How to Teach Your Children the Bible eBook

How to Teach Your Children the Bible

A short booklet with practical, simple steps to ensure that children are given a strong foundation of Biblical knowledge and understanding.


A short booklet that provides practical advice on how to teach children to know the Bible.
It provides simple steps to ensure that children are given a strong foundation of Biblical knowledge and understanding.

Length: 30 pages

Author Thomas Purifoy, Jr has spent 20 years teaching the Bible to all age groups, from kindergarten to adult. He currently teaches the Youth Group in his church and his own children at home.

Additional information


Thomas Purifoy


ePub, Mobi, PDF



Initial Encouragement

Read the Bible Everyday By Yourself
Read the Bible Everyday to Your Children
Give Your Children Their Own Bibles
Have Family Devotions or Worship
Memorize Bible Verses
Listen to Audio Bible Stories
Share Your Spiritual Life with Your Children
Talk About What God is Doing in the World
Study the Bible Regularly
Pray for Your Children


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