Visual Latin 2 Corrections


  • In Video 38A, the verb cogitabarus should be spelled cogitabaris.


  • In Lesson 31C, at the beginning of the second paragraph, it should be Rebecca vocat Jacob. (Rebecca calls Jacob.), not Isaac.
  • In Lesson 31B, #7 should be translated “… That horse is fastest.” because “celerrimus” is superlative.
  • In Lesson 32B, #9, Illi montes should be translated Those mountains. (not These)
  • In Lesson 32B, #18, it should read sapientes, instead of sapientiores.
  • In Lesson 32B, #29, in agris should be translated in the fields. (not field)
  • In Lesson 32C, paragraph three, the answer key should read Noscitisne, instead of Novistisne.
  • In Lesson 34B, #24 is missing in the Worksheet Answers. This unfortunately threw off the numbering of remaining questions for that lesson.
  • In Lesson 35, the singular declension of alius, alia, aliud is partially incorrect. Use this pattern (Nominative>Genitive>…Ablative) instead:
    • Masculine: alius, alterius, alii, alium, alio
    • Feminine: alia, alterius, alii, aliam, alia
    • Neuter: aliud, alterius, alii, aliud, alio
  • In Lesson 36, line 8 of Worksheet 36B the perfect stem of iacere is incorrectly listed as iecu–. The answer key correctly indicates that iec– is the perfect stem.
  • In Lesson 40, in the chart (at the bottom of p. 68), the first and third column should be Present Indicative and Perfect Indicative , respectively.
  • In Lesson 41, sentence #1 of Worksheet B in the answer key states “the girl who laughs = the laughing girl”, but the correct translation should be “the girl who sings = the singing girl.”
  • In Lesson 55, sentences #26-31 use the form lexi. This is an incorrect 3rd principal part of lego, legere meaning to read. Instead of lex-, these should begin with leg- since the correct 3rd principal part is legi. The translations in the key remain correct.
  • In Lesson 57C, Rumpebantur rete eorum. should be Rumpebantur retia eorum.
  • In Lesson 58B, #34, Rogat is changed to Rogavit. This also changes the answer key from She asks to She asked.
  • In Lesson 58B, #30, the answer key is changed to She did this so that she may be happy. She did this in order that she might be happy.


  • In Quiz 32, the correct answer to #41 should actually be D those apples because malum, -i is a neuter noun. Being second declension, the only time it can have an -a ending is when it is neuter plural.
  • In Quiz 33, #27, A and B should both be correct answers.
  • In Quiz 35, the correct answer to #37 should be D based on the vocabulary list in Exercise C of the lesson.
  • In Quiz 35, questions #44 & #45 should have the same options:
    A) That mountain is high.
    B) That mountain is higher.
    C) That mountain is highest. Answer C is still correct, but B was supposed to be the same for comparison of answers.
  • In Quiz 36, #7 in the answer key incorrectly indicates A (true); however, the correct answer is B (false). The perfect stem of audire is audiv–.
  • In Quiz 36, #39 in the answer key states B (to accuse). The correct answer should be E (almost all of the above) since A, B, & C are all acceptable definitions of accusare.
  • In Quiz 41, #23 in the answer key lists A, but the correct answer is C.
  • In Quiz 54, the correct answer to #42 should be D all of the above.
  • In Quiz 54, the correct answer to #47 should be A.
  • In Quiz 57, #7, A and B should both be correct answers.
  • In Quiz 58 #8, option B should say “Mom told the girls to come.”
  • In Quiz 58 #12, esset is changed to fuerit. (imperfect subj. changed to perfect subj.)
  • In Quiz 58 #22, te dicis is changed to tu dicas.
  • In Quiz 58, #23 should be tu dixeris instead of te dixis.
  • In Quiz 58, #24 should be tu diceres instead of te dixis.
  • In the answer key for Quiz 58, #24 B should be translated I asked what you were saying.

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