Visual Latin 1 Corrections


  • These are the correct answers to the exercise in 2A:
  • Demonstration in Lesson 5B #1 should be three cases: nominative/accusative/vocative plural.
  • Answer to Lesson 5B #8 should be three cases: nominative/accusative/vocative singular.
  • Answer to Lesson 5B #16 should be three cases: nominative/ablative/vocative singular.
  • Translation to Lesson 9C is missing two words in the last sentence: Terra est bona et bella et clara. = The land/earth is good and beautiful and bright.
  • Answer to Lesson 10B #3 contains a typo: change femininam to feminam.
  • In Lesson 16D, #14 should have ambulant (plural) instead of ambulat (singular).
  • In Lesson 22A, an older printing of the demonstrative chart listed translations for illi, illae, illa as “these.” The correct answer for all three is “those.”
  • In Lesson 22B, the answer to #8 should have is instead of are.


  • Quiz 3 #6 and Quiz 6 #2 has caused quite some confusion, so the whole question has been modified to the following:
    • The English language has some masculine and feminine nouns.
      a) True
      b) False
  • In Quiz 14, the answer to #12 should be B and C (from what and from whom), instead of A and C.
  • In Quiz 15, #17, the answer choices B and D are modified to avoid confusion. The correct answer is C.
    • Lupus quem agricola audit in silva est.
      A) who
      B) when
      C) which
      D) where
  • In Quiz 15, #29, the answer choice B is changed from oppidis to oppidi. This does not affect the correct answer, C, and only serves to ensure that there is only one correct answer. (Originally, B would have been a correct answer as well.)
    • Viri in ___ sunt.
      A) oppidum
      B) oppidi
      C) oppido
      D) oppida
  • In Quiz 19, #11, the answer choices C and D are changed to avoid confusion. (Originally, D fables is technically also a correct answer, although students may not recognize it.)
    • Fabulae mihi a femina narrantur.
      A) a story
      B) stories
      C) of stories
      D) with a story
  • In Quiz 19, #42, the answer choices B and D are modified to avoid confusion. The correct answer is C.
    • Lupus quem agricola audit in silva est.
      A) who
      B) when
      C) which
      D) where
  • In Quiz 23, the answer choices for #16 change house to garden. This does not affect the correct answer, C, since the question is asking about the contextual definition of “in.”
    • Illa mala, quae sunt in horto, mala mea sunt.
      A) which are on the table
      B) which are in the kitchen
      C) which are in the garden
      D) which are on the garden
    • Illa mala, quae sunt in casa, mala mea sunt.
      A) which are on the table
      B) which are in the kitchen
      C) which are in the house
      D) which are on the house
  • In Quiz 23, #19 should have D as the answer, not C.
  • In Quiz 25, #9, B should be the only answer.
  • In Quiz 26, #30, both B and C should be correct answers.
  • Quiz 28, #23 has the wrong adjective form in the answer. The adjective ferox uses the same nominative singular form for all 3 genders. The form originally given is the nominative plural; the corrected form below makes C the answer.
    • That wild animal attacked us.
      A) Ille animal ferox
      B) Illa animal ferox
      C) Illud animal ferox
  • In Quiz 28, #24, there are two correct answers: A & B.
    • He is called by his happy friend.
      A) Vocatur
      B) Is vocatur
      C) Amatur
      D) Is amatur
  • In Quiz 28, #25 had a typo in the preposition as well as a missing vocabulary word in choices A & B. B is the correct answer.
    • He is called by his happy friend.
      A) ab amico felici
      B) ab amico felici eius
      C) ab eius amico felicis
  • In Quiz 28, #35 should have both B and C as answers.

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