Homeschool Coach Blair

Hybrid Styles and Joyful Homeschooling Coaching


Schedule a one-on-one session with Blair and tackle your homeschool challenges together. Let her years of experience help you complete just about any project—a curriculum, portfolio, transcript, or something else that you or your kids need. Purchase the number of hours you want to schedule, and book the appointment through your confirmation email.


Our coaching team is staffed by experienced homeschool moms who love the Lord and have successfully homeschooled with a variety of methods and curricula. They can do much more than answer questions—they can help you plan, evaluate, and make the adjustments you need to see your family succeed in homeschooling this year. Pick a coach with the expertise you need, and book a session to try things out! There is no long-term commitment needed.

About Blair

Blair Crist has been homeschooling her oldest for 9 years. She was homeschooled K-12 on a family farm in Middle Tennessee. Before she began homeschooling, she worked at an umbrella school in the administrative offices for 2 years.

Over the years of homeschooling, her approach has been a hybrid style of classical education and Charlotte Mason. With 4 children ages 14, 11, 6, and 3, her biggest problems to solve have been time management for helping each child with their specific needs. Balancing the workload and completing our tasks, while keeping the environment of the home joyful is definitely a daily goal!

Her main goal is not just to fill the bucket and complete the check list. Instead, she hopes to light a fire in her children to love God, love learning, and be faithful worshippers of the Lord.

How Coaching Works

  1. Choose the amount of coaching time to purchase using the drop-down menu above and Add to Cart.
  2. After check out, you will receive an immediate email with a link to schedule the appointment(s) on the coach’s calendar.
  3. Your coach may be in touch with additional information ahead of the appointment.

How Much Time Do I Need?

The short answer is “It depends.” When you book your appointment, you will also be given a short form where you can specify the areas you’d like to focus on, as well as anything else you want to tell us about your circumstances, context, or needs your family or students might have.

It should be pretty straight forward, but if you have any questions about this, please contact our program director.

What Makes Our Program Unique?

  • Staffed by veteran homeschool parents with experience across all stages of education.
  • Principles flexible enough to assist families with a wide variety of curriculum and methods.
  • Grounded in a biblical worldview, the educational framework our coaches provide for their own families.
  • Intended to give you practical takeaways and not just add more to your “to do” list.


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